Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in LASIK on April 4, 2023

Your life after LASIK surgery will give you greater visual freedom and allow you to reduce your dependence on glasses and contacts. By choosing LASIK in your twenties, you’ll have decades of improved vision and all the benefits that LASIK brings.
Keep reading to learn eight reasons to consider LASIK in your twenties!
1. Every Day is in Focus
No more waking up feeling for your glasses or stumbling to the bathroom to put your contacts in. You see everything at a single glance.
The world looks bright and new, even on gray days. With the improved vision of LASIK, you’re ready to go the moment you get up.
2. Good Sight Means Increased Safety
In a world where normal is 20/20 vision, glasses and contacts are a reminder that your vision isn’t perfect. Blurry vision that needs correction is a disadvantage.
LASIK restores your sight to near-normal vision, and that added sense of safety impacts your life, career, relationships, and how you see the world.
3. A Quick Surgical Recovery
As a minimally invasive procedure, LASIK recovery is fast and relatively easy. You’ll only need a brief time off from work, and you can pick up your life where you left off, but now you’ll be seeing much better with reduced dependence on glasses or contacts.
4. Long-Term Savings
After your LASIK surgery, you won’t have to worry about maintaining your glasses or getting your contact lens prescription filled. You also won’t have to worry about stocking your medicine cabinet with all the solutions and products necessary to keep your lenses sterile and clean.
Over time, whether you wear glasses or rely on contact lenses, you’ll be saving money in the long term.
5. Relax Without Worry
Wearing glasses or contact lenses is never worry-free, especially if you’re in relaxation mode. When you’re curled up on the sofa, swinging in a hammock, or reading a book at the beach and your eyelids grow heavy, it’s not a comfortable feeling while wearing glasses.
With LASIK, you’ll never worry again about falling asleep in your contacts or losing your glasses when your head droops. Go ahead, take that nap.
6. Begin the Day Stress-Free
Now when you wake up, since you aren’t putting in your contacts, you have time for mindfulness. Centering yourself at the start of the day with a few deep breaths can help with stress relief.
Life with LASIK buys you more time in the morning, making a five-minute when-you-wake-up meditation a great practice to add to your daily routine.
7. Gain Peace of Mind
Where did you put your glasses? Did you reorder disposable contacts?
Nagging thoughts like these disappear after LASIK. The peace of mind you gain is priceless.
8. Fall Asleep Guilt-Free
How many times have you been so tired that you just wanted to collapse, but you had to get up and take out your contacts? With LASIK, once your head hits the pillow, you don’t have to move it again until morning.
Getting LASIK in your twenties means these eight benefits are ones you’ll enjoy for decades. So why put off the LASIK choice any longer? Enjoy your improved vision, and enjoy your life!
Do you want to learn more about LASIK or determine if you may be a candidate for the procedure? Schedule an appointment at EyeHealth Northwest in Hillsboro, OR, today!