Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in LASIK on July 15, 2019

Are you tired of wearing glasses or contacts? Do you ever think about what it would be like if you could see perfectly? LASIK eye surgery could be the procedure for you! Here are seven reasons you should consider LASIK:
LASIK Saves You Money
While LASIK is expensive upfront, it does save you a lot of money over time. On average, most people are paying $500 per year on contacts.
That’s not including having to buy expensive frames for your glasses every few years. Then you have to buy contact lens solution and other accessories.
You can see that the cost of these things adds up quickly! After a few years, LASIK even starts paying for itself.
This is especially true because LASIK is a permanent procedure. If you get LASIK in your mid to late twenties, you could have 30-40 years without glasses ahead of you.
If you have a Flex Spending Account (FSA), you can usually use the funds to help pay for LASIK as well.
Enjoy Playing Sports
If you like to play sports, glasses and contacts are making your life more complicated. It’s too easy to spend your time worrying about your contacts or glasses when you’re supposed to be in the zone.
People who get LASIK and play sports often find that their game improves once that worry is gone.
Reduced Likelihood of Eye Infections
Contacts are great until you get an eye infection from them. If you do not keep your contact lenses clean and hygienic, you’re more likely to get an eye infection.
You can also get infections from glasses if they are not kept clean. Getting LASIK can reduce the risk of infection because you won’t need to wear glasses or contacts.
Increased Comfort Level
If you use glasses and contacts a lot, you understand the discomfort that comes with them. You can get headaches from a new pair of glasses or they may not sit on your nose well.
Contact lenses can give you dry eye or make your eyes feel sore over time. Also, who wants to put their fingers into their eyes every day? Most people don’t!
Get LASIK and say goodbye to the pain and discomfort!
Have the Best Possible Vision
For most LASIK patients, after LASIK they have the best vision they’ve ever had. LASIK works because the cornea gets physically reshaped. This is what corrects your refractive errors and less than ideal vision!
Increase Your Self-Confidence
When you wear glasses, have you ever felt self-conscious? Most people do while they wear glasses.
After LASIK, many patients gain self-confidence. It’s one more small way you can finally feel comfortable in your own skin!
Have More Freedom
Think about what life would be like when you wake up in the morning and can see perfectly. There’s no need to look for your glasses or put contacts in.
Imagine what traveling would be like without worrying about eye drops or solution. Imagine swimming underwater being able to see without glasses. This is what your life would be like after LASIK.
Ready to take the plunge and find out if you’re a candidate for LASIK? Schedule your LASIK consultation at EyeHealth Northwest in Happy Valley, OR now!