Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in Glaucoma on March 31, 2021

Is it becoming challenging to see out of the side of your eye? Has your vision changed all of a sudden? It could be the sneakiest of all eye conditions, glaucoma.
Glaucoma is so sneaky in fact, it is called “the silent thief of sight.”
Typically though, glaucoma has no warning signs.
Keep reading to learn why glaucoma has no warning signs.
What Is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is part of a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. You need to have a healthy optic nerve to see clearly. Glaucoma damages your optic nerve by increasing the pressure and fluids in your eye.
Who Is At Risk For Glaucoma?
While anyone can develop, glaucoma, older adults are at a higher risk for it. In adults ages 60 and older, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss.
How does glaucoma work?
Glaucoma has the nickname of being the secret thief of sight. Unlike other eye conditions, most types of glaucoma do not have warning signs, which is why it seems to appear so suddenly.
Unfortunately, it is common for patients to not realize there are changes until it is too late. Also, unlike most other eye conditions, damage from glaucoma is irreversible once it begins.
This is why it is important to get frequent eye exams. During your eye exam, your eye doctor will measure your eye pressure, so they will be able to notice any changes.
It is wise to have a baseline for your eye pressure because it will help them notice when changes are occurring. It is best to see your eye doctor as soon as possible to determine your baseline.
You want to diagnose glaucoma as early as possible so you can receive treatment to delay or prevent vision loss.
What Are The Symptoms Of Glaucoma?
There are two main types of glaucoma, so it is important to know the signs and symptoms of both types.
Acute angle glaucoma comes on very quickly and is a medical emergency. It has a range of symptoms, including:
- Strong headaches
- Eye pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Cloudy vision
- Seeing halos around lights
- Your eyes turning red
Open-angle glaucoma has no visible symptoms until vision loss has already occurred. When this type of glaucoma has advanced, you may experience tunnel vision.
This means that you have blind spots in your peripheral or central vision. For some adults, it occurs on and off.
Remember, changes in your vision and eye health can be so small that you do not even notice them. Getting frequent eye exams is the only way to catch glaucoma early on.
So, if you recognize any of these symptoms, you need to book an appointment with your eye doctor. If left untreated, glaucoma will cause you to lose your vision.
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Schedule an appointment at EyeHealth Northwest in Portland, OR now! We will help you determine what is happening with your eyes.
Don’t risk your eyesight for another day. You can prevent glaucoma, but you must see your eye doctor regularly to protect yourself from the silent thief of sight.