Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in General Eye Health on March 15, 2021

Do you use intense tools or chemicals with fumes at work? When you do things that are potentially dangerous at work, do you protect your eyes?
Even though it’s the safe thing to do, it is important to think critically about if you need eye protection and what type. Unfortunately, in the workplace there are many ways that employees can injure their eyes.
You can get injured from particles or objects flying around or cause irritation if you look at a computer screen for too long while you’re working. Most employers consider the safety of their employees. Sometimes, procedures aren’t thorough enough.
Unfortunately, this combined with the hazards at work make eye injuries in the workplace extremely common. Everyday, there are thousands of eye injuries that occur at workplaces.
They usually result in employees needing at least one day to recover. Also, like any other eye injury, it is important to know that your eye injury could be temporary or permanent.
To educate the public about the importance of workplace eye safety, the AAO observes March as Workplace as Eye Wellness Month. It is important for workplaces and employees to be educated about the importance of eye safety and how to keep their eyes protected.
Keep reading to learn more about Workplace Eye Wellness Month!
What is the importance of workplace eye wellness?
The main reason you should value your eye health is it allows you to see clearly. Other reasons include being able to work, taking part in hobbies, as well as other daily tasks.
Since you only have one pair of eyes, you need to take care of them and do your best to prevent injuries. Having a month of education around workplace eye wellness is a good way to educate employers and employees about prevention and eye protections options.
How can I injure my eyes at work?
While different work environments have various hazards, you need to be aware of them. This way you can keep your eyes safe as you do your job.
Common causes for workplace eye injuries include:
- Particles in the air
- Tools
- Chemicals
- Radiation
- Flying pieces of glass or metal
- Looking at screens for extended periods of time
If you know you’ll be around these kinds of hazards, it’s important to wear the appropriate protective eyewear.
What are different options for protecting my eyes?
When deciding on the right eye protection for your workplace, you need to evaluate the hazards at work. Understanding the hazards around you will let you, your doctor, and the workplace pick out the right eye protection options.
Different eyewear options are goggles, face shields, full-face respirators, prescription glasses, welding helmets and prescription or non-prescription safety glasses.
You need to select the safest option for protective eyewear depending on your environment. You also need to consider any safety problems that could arise.
Having the correct eyewear can make sure that your eyes stay safe while you are trying to do your job. Having a plan in place is the best way to keep your eyes safe no matter what kind of work you do.
Do you need help evaluating your protective eyewear options? Schedule an appointment at EyeHealth Northwest in Portland, OR now to talk with one of our great eye doctors!