David S. Sanders, M.D., M.P.H.


Oregon Health & Science University MD/MPH Combined Degree, Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Oregon State University,
B.S., Biology, Minor in Chemistry
B.A., International Studies, Minor in French

Institut Supérieur des Langues – University Exchange– 6 months

Language Skills

Spanish (Proficient)
Portuguese (Proficient)
French (Good)

Honors & Awards

Robert L. Bacon Endowment Fund

Reuben W. Hills III OHSU Medical Ambassadorship Award

Oregon Laurel Award

Global/International Service Award Nominee, OHSU Student Council

Knights Templar Eye Foundation ARVO Travel Gran

Postgraduate Work

7/2018 – 7/2019
Legacy Devers Eye Institute & Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University Glaucoma Fellowship

7/2015 – 6/2018
University of Michigan, W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Ophthalmology Residency

7/2014 – 6/2015
Providence Portland Medical Center Internal Medicine Preliminary Internship


Oregon Eye Specialists, PC

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Saha S, Sanders DS, Korthuis PT, Cohn JA, Sharp VL, Haidet P, Moore RD, Beach MC. The role of cultural distance between patient and provider in explaining racial/ethnic disparities in HIV care. Patient Educ Couns 2011:Dec;85(3):278-84
Bruno R, Andrews A, Garvey B, Huntoon K, Mazumder R, Olson J, Sanders DS, Weinbaum I, Gorman P. Videotaped Patient Stories: Impact on Medical Students’ Attitudes Regarding Healthcare for the Uninsured and Underinsured. PLoS ONE 2012:7(12):e51827
Sanders DS, Lattin DJ, Read-Brown S, Tu DC, Wilson DJ, Hwang TS, Morrison JC, Yackel TR, Chiang MF. Electronic health record systems in ophthalmology: impact on clinical documentation. Ophthalmology 2013 Sep;120(9):1745-55
Chiang MF, Read-Brown S, Tu DC, Choi D, Sanders DS, Hwang TS, Bailey S, Karr DJ, Cottle E, Morrison JC, Wilson DJ, Yackel TR. Evaluation of electronic health record implementation in ophthalmology at an academic medical center (an AOS Thesis). Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2013;111:70-92
Read-Brown S, Sanders DS, Brown AS, Yackel TR, Choi D, Tu DC, Chiang MF. Time- Motion Analysis of Clinical Nursing Documentation During Implementation of an Electronic Operating Room Management for Ophthalmic Surgery. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2013;1195-204.
Sanders DS, Read-Brown S, Tu DC, Lambert WE, Choi D, Almario BM, Yackel TR, Brown AS, Chiang MF. Implementation of an electronic health record operating room management system in an ophthalmology department: impact on intraoperative documentation time, surgical volume, and staffing requirements. JAMA Ophthalmology 2014;132(5):586-92
Thomas BJ, Sanders DS, Oliva MS, Orrs MS, Glick P, Ruit S, Chen W, Luoto J, Tasfaw AK, Tabin GC. Blindness, cataract surgery and mortality in Ethiopia. Br J Ophthalmol 2016;100(9):1157-62
Glick P, Luoto J, Orrs MS, Oliva MS, Tabin GC, Sanders DS, Thomas BT, Ruit S, Tasfaw AK. The individual and household impacts of cataract surgery on older blind adults in Ethiopia. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2019;26(1):7-18
Moroi S, Reed DM, Sanders DS, Almazroa A, Kagemann L, Shah N, Shekhawat N, Moroi SE. Precision Medicine to Prevent Glaucoma-related Blindness. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology – In press (2019)
Lin WC, Godlstein IH, Hribar MR, Sanders DS, Chiang MF. Predicting wait times in a Pediatric Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic using Machine Learning. AMIA Annu Symp Proc – submitted (2019)
Sanders DS, Thomas BT, Oliva MS, Glick P, Orrs MS, Luoto J, Ruit S, Tasfaw AK, Tabin GC. Uptake of free, high- quality cataract surgery among bilaterally blind patients in Ethiopia. Pending submission, International Ophthalmology
Sanders DS, Andrews C, Sugar A, Stein JD. Ophthalmology Sanders DS, Ehrlich JR, Blachley TS, Cooney T, Stein JD. Increased incidence of glaucoma diagnosis following passage of medical marijuana legislation. Pending submission
Sanders DS, Andrews C, Sugar A, Stein JD.A Comparison of Performance of Therapeutic Procedures by
Ophthalmologists and Optometrists in States with Expanded Scope of Practice. Pending submission, JAMA

Other Publications

Sanders DS. “Evaluating the Stage of Epidemiologic Transition in Tunis, Tunisia” (2007) Thesis Scholars Archive
of Oregon State University: http://hdl.handle.net/1957/8181
Sanders DS, Moroi SE. The history and development of iris prosthetics. Annual Proceedings of the Cogan Ophthalmic History Society, 2017. Available at: http://www.cogansociety.org/2017-abstracts-1/
Sanders DS, Mansberger SL. Best Practices and Recommendations for Glaucoma Screening. Ophthalmology Management – Glaucoma Physician. (Dec 2018). Available at: https://www.glaucomaphysician.net/issues/2018/december-2018/glaucoma-screening-in-2018


Bruno R, Andrews A, Garvey B, Sanders D, Weinbaum I, Nakhai M, Olson J, Mazumder R, Gorman P. Voices and Concerns of the Uninsured & Underinsured Millions (VACUUM). Poster Presentation. American Medical Student Association Annual Conference. First place poster in “Community Service” division. Anaheim, Mar 2010
Garvey B, Sanders D, Stimac J. Sustainable Energy as Health Intervention: Microhydroelectric Power and Public Health in Resguardo San Jose, Colombia. Poster presentation. Unite for Sight Global Health and Innovation Conference. New Haven, Apr 2011
Sanders D, Garvey B, Stimac J. Sustainable Energy as a Health Intervention in Colombia. Social enterprise pitch (Oral presentation). Unite for Sight Global Health and Innovation Conference. New Haven, Apr 2011
Sanders DS, Lattin DJ, Read-Brown, S, Tu DC, Hwang TS, Morrison JC, Yackel TR, Chiang MF. Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems in Ophthalmology: Impact on Clinical Documentation. Poster presentation. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Chicago, Nov 2012
Sanders DS, Lattin DJ, Read-Brown S, Tu DC, Wilson DJ, Hwang TS, Morrison JS, Yackel TR, Chiang MF. Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems in Ophthalmology: Impact on Clinical Documentation. Poster presentation. ARVO Annual Meeting. Seattle, May 2013
Tu DC, Sanders DS, Read-Brown S, Brown AS, Choi D, Yackel TR, Chiang MF. Electronic Health Record Systems in Ophthalmology: Impact on Operating Room Time Requirements for Cataract Surgery. Poster presentation. ARVO Annual Meeting. Seattle, May 2013
Read-Brown S, Brown AS, Yackel TR, Choi D, Tu DC, Sanders DS, Chiang MF. Time- Motion Analysis of Clinical Nursing Documentation during Implementation of an Electronic Operating Room Management System for Ophthalmic Surgery. Paper presentation. ARVO Annual Meeting. Seattle, May 2013
Sanders DS, Oliva MS, Glick P, Orrs M, Ruit S, Kerie A, Tabin GC. Uptake of free, high-quality cataract surgery among bilaterally blind patients in Ethiopia. Poster presentation. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Nov 2013
Simon MA, Sanders DS, Read-Brown S, Chiang MF. Pediatric Ophthalmology Documentation Using Paper vs. Electronic Health Record. Poster presentation. American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus. Palm Springs, Apr 2014
Aaker GA, Read-Brown S, Sanders DS, Hribar M, Reznick LG, Yackel T, Chiang MF. Identifying factors associated with increased pediatric ophthalmology visit times using electronic health record data. Poster Presentation. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Chicago, Nov 2014
Sanders DS, Ehrlich JR, Blachley T, Cooney T, Stein JD. Increased Incidence of Glaucoma Diagnosis Following Passage of Medical Marijuana Legislation. Paper presentation. ARVO Annual Meeting. Seattle, May 2016
Sanders DS, Moroi SE. The history and development of iris prosthetics. Paper presentation. Cogan Ophthalmic History Society 30th Annual Meeting. Boston, March 2017.
Sanders DS, Goldstein IH, Hribar MR, Lin WC, Mansberger SL, Chen A, Chiang MF. Machine learning for analysis and prediction of glaucoma clinic visit length and provider interaction times using secondary electronic health record data. Poster presentation. American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 2019.
Mansberger SL, Sanchez FG, Sanders DS, Gardiner SK, Reynaud J, Fortune B. Effect of Trabeculectomy on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Measurements of the Optic Nerve Head Neuroretinal Rim Tissue. Poster presentation. World Glaucoma Congress. Melbourne, Australia. March 2019
Lowry EA, Mansberger SL, Gardiner SK, Yang H, Sanchez F, Demirel S, Burgoyne CF, Fortune B. ## Optic nerve head tissue schisis: an OCT sign of glaucomatous deformation? Poster presentation. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting. Vancouver B.C., April 2019
Sanchez FG, Sanders DS, Fortune B, Gardiner SK, Reynaud J, Lowry EA, Mansberger SL. Effect of Trabeculectomy on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Measurements of the Optic Nerve Head Neuroretinal Rim Tissue. Poster presentation. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting. Vancouver B.C., April 2019.

Local/Regional Presentations

Bruno R, Andrews A, Garvey B, Sanders D, Weinbaum I, Olson J, Mazumder R, Gorman P. Videotaped Patient Stories: Impact on Medical Students’ Attitudes Regarding Healthcare for the Uninsured and Underinsured. Oral presentation. OHSU Student Research Forum. Portland, May 2011
Sanders DS, Lattin DJ, Read-Brown S, Tu DC, Wilson DJ, Hwang TS, Morrison JS, Yackel TR, Chiang MF. Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems in Ophthalmology: Impact on Clinical Documentation. Poster presentation. OHSU Research Week. Portland, May 2013
Sanders DS, Chiang MF. Impact of an Electronic Health Record Operating Room Management System on
Documentation Time, Surgical Volume, Operating Room Turnover Time and Staffing in Ophthalmology. MPH
Thesis 2014. Available at OHSU Scholar Archive. http://digitalcommons.ohsu.edu/etd/3484
Sanders DS, Shah M. Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy. Presented at: Kellogg Eye Center Pre-
Grand Rounds. 01/21/2016
Kim T, Sanders DS, Wang S, Stem M, Kron-Gray M, Smith-Wheelock M. Wrong Lens Implant: Root Cause
Analysis. Presented at: University of Michigan Safety Event Review Committee. 02/01/2016
Smith S, Sanders DS, Trobe JD. Abusive Head Trauma. Presented at: Kellogg Eye Center Grand Rounds.
Sanders DS. Alagille Syndrome. Presented at: Kellogg Eye Center Imaging Conference. 03/21/2016
Sanders DS. Angle closure secondary to vitreous prolapse following Nd:YAG capsulotomy. Presented at: Kellogg
Sanders DS. Bilateral blurred vision. Presented at: Kellogg Eye Center Grand Rounds. 6/9/2017
Sanders DS. OCT-RNFL in glaucoma suspects. Presented at: Kellogg Eye Center Grand Rounds. 8/17/2017
Sanders DS, Shah N, Kagemann L, Almazroa A, Moroi SE. Innovative Application of OCT Angiography to Visualize Aqueous Veins. Presented at W.K. Kellogg Eye Center 34th Annual Research Day. 6/12/2018
Sanders DS. Glaucoma Case Management – Myopic glaucoma suspect. Presented at: Thorny Issues in
Ophthalmology Conference, Portland, OR. 9/22/201
Sanders DS. Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma. Presented at: Thorny Issues in Ophthalmology Conference, Portland, OR.
Sanders DS. Pigmentary Glaucoma. Presented at: Thorny Issues in Ophthalmology Conference, Portland, OR.
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(503) 292-0848 see more
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(360) 208-9472 see more
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10819 SE Stark St,
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(503) 783-3300 see more
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(503) 227-2020 see more
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(503) 582-0000 see more
Westside Surgery Center
13240 SW Pacific Hwy
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12050 SE Stevens Rd.
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(971) 206-6100 see more

Our Locations

18345 SW Alexander St,
Suite A
Aloha, OR 97003
(503) 642-2505 see more
6701 NE Glisan Street
Portland, OR 97213
(503) 255-2291 see more
24601 SE Stark St.
Troutdale, OR 97060
(503) 255-2291 see more
6111 NE Cornell Rd
Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503) 846-9400 see more
Lake Oswego
9 Monroe Parkway, Suite 160
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
(503) 636-2551 see more
11086 SE Oak St
Milwaukie, OR 97222
(503) 656-4221 see more
Mt. Tabor
5935 SE Division St.
Portland, OR 97206
503 777-5546 see more
2318 Portland Rd, Suite 300
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 538-1341 see more
Northwest Portland
1955 NW Northrup St
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 227-2020 see more
Oregon City
1306 Division St
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 656-4221 see more
9555 SW Barnes Rd.
#100 (1rst floor)
Portland, OR 97225
(503) 227-2020 see more
Providence Portland
5050 NE Hoyt St., Suite 445
Portland, OR 97213
(503) 231-0166 see more
Providence St. Vincent
9135 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 961
Portland, OR 97225
(503) 292-0848 see more
Salmon Creek, WA
2501 NE 134th St, Suite 105
Vancouver, WA 98686
(360) 208-9472 see more
Southeast Portland
10819 SE Stark St,
Portland, OR 97216
(503) 255-2291 see more
12050 SE Stevens Rd, Suite 100
Happy Valley, OR 97086
(503) 783-3300 see more
15298 SW Royalty Parkway
Tigard OR 97224
(503) 227-2020 see more
29250 SW Town Center Loop W
Wilsonville, OR 97070
(503) 582-0000 see more
Surgery Centers

Westside Surgery Center

13240 SW Pacific Hwy
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 639-6571 see more

EyeHealth Eastside Surgery and Laser Center

12050 SE Stevens Rd.
Happy Valley, OR 97086
(971) 206-6100 see more