Four Back-to-School Eye Health Recommendations
Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in Children, Eye Exams on September 10, 2016

It is that time of year again! Back-to-School! Millions of parents around the country are rushing to stores to buy all the newest school supplies and outfits. While you are going through your list of school supplies make sure to not skip your child’s eye health. You can’t underestimate the importance of ensuring your children… Read More
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
Posted by: Eye Health Northwest in Children, Eye Exams on August 11, 2014

August has arrived and that means that many parents are preparing their children for another school year. August is also Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. When 80% of learning occurs through the eyes, healthy vision is essential to a child’s success in the classroom. In addition to buying school supplies and new clothes, don’t… Read More