Which soft contact lens replacement regimen is best?
It takes a dedicated specialist like those at EyeHealth Northwest to keep up with the many options for contact lenses these days. There are 1-day, 2-week, 1-month, and 3-month replacement plans. The general rule is that the more frequently you replace the lenses, the healthier it is for your eyes, but also the more costly it becomes. For many people, the best compromise between cost and health benefits would be the 2-week disposable contact lenses.
If I wear contact lenses, how often should I have my eyes checked?
For most people an annual contact lens check is necessary. Your EyeHealth Northwest doctor will perform a complete dilated exam every 2 years.
I have allergies, can I still wear contacts?
Only a complete exam with your EyeHealth doctor can determine your best lens option. If you have chronic, severe allergies, glasses or LASIK surgery rather than contact lenses may be the best option. If your allergies are seasonal, a combination of glasses during the allergy season and contact lenses the rest of the time is a possible option. Another option may be to wear 1-day disposable contacts with the usage of ocular allergy medication. For mild allergies, a 1-day or 2-week disposable lens works well.
Can I wear contacts after LASIK surgery if necessary?
Yes, however, the accuracy of LASIK currently is so high that it would be rare to wear contacts ever again after surgery. EyeHealth LASIK specialists have treated thousands of patients since the late ’90s without needing to refit in contact lenses. Learn more at our LASIK site.
Can I sleep with my contacts in?
The doctors at EyeHealth Northwest recommend patients remove lenses nightly. Long term studies validate this recommendation which has been too much safer for your eyes in the long run.
What is new with colored contacts?
Colored contacts fall basically into two categories; enhancers and opaques. Enhancers work best for light-colored eyes, whereas opaques work best for dark hazel or brown eyes. What’s new is that the color options in both categories–especially opaques–have increased exponentially. If you are already a contact lens wearer, your EyeHealth Northwest doctor can advise you on the best option for your eyes.
Can I get a copy of my contact lens Rx?
Yes of course. We recommend you get a complete fitting with an EyeHealth Northwest contact lens specialist as a first step. Contact lenses rest on the cornea, one of the most sensitive parts of our bodies; therefore, assessing the fit of the lenses is extremely important to assure that no corneal damage has occurred. Once the specialist and the patient are happy with the fit, a contact lens prescription will be written if requested. The expiration date is typically one year from the last eye exam.